Acupuncture and Natural Medicine for Clermont and Winter Garden

Michael A. Visconti, ND, AP
Visit us at our new location starting July 1, 2023. We will be in the Clermont Neurologic and Chiropractic office in the Magnolia Center Plaza behind Duncan Donuts on Hwy 50 (about 2.5 miles from our current office). 17307 Pagonia Road, Suite 100, Clermont, FL 34711
Our primary goal is to address the cause of disease not merely to suppress symptoms. We accomplish this by treating you as a whole person, establishing a foundation of health and by removing obstacles to healing while stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself.

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Therapeutic Nutrition & Detoxification
Food and proper nutrition can be directly linked to improving your health and to reducing your risks of certain medical conditions as you age. We work together to improve your digestive function while recommending certain food choices appropriate for your history, current condition and risk factors.

Stress Management & Clinical Hypnosis
Modern research has shown the extensive connection between stress and illness. Positively affecting stressful mental and emotional states are vital to the healing process.

Botanical Medicine
Plants and herbs have been used in healing for thousands of years and they are the foundations for modern pharmacology. Botanical medicine can augment the body’s natural defenses and innate healing ability. In many cases herbs are very effective without having associated side effects.

Homeopathic Medicine
This powerful system of medicine dates back to the 1700′s. Homeopathic Remedies function on the physical, mental and emotional levels to stimulate and enhance the body’s vital force and function to facilitate healing.

Biopuncture/ Prolotherapy
FDA registered Herbal and homeopathic formulations are used safely and effectively to improve healing, relieve inflammation, treat chronic or acute pain and illness. A sterile homeopathic or herbal formulation is injected either just below the skin, into acupuncture points, into the muscle or around tendons, ligaments and joints to facilitate the desired changes.
Get Started
Come experience natural care for:
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Back Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Digestive Disorders
- Fertility
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Neck Pain
- Opioid Addiction
- Stress
- Weight Loss
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Back Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Digestive Disorders
- Fertility
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Neck Pain
- Opioid Addiction
- Stress
- Weight Loss